Heirloom Tomato® New Self Pruning エアルーム・トマト・ニュー・プルンニング
Heirloom Tomato® New Self Pruning エアルーム・トマト・ニュー・プルンニング ◆This variety was listed in the catalog of "F.B. Mills Seedsman" in 1890. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Large Trophy エアルーム・トマト・ラージ・トロフィー
Heirloom Tomato® Large Trophy エアルーム・トマト・ラージ・トロフィー ◆This variety was listed in the catalog of "R.H. Shumway Seedsman" in 1897. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Large Rose Peach エアルーム・トマト・ラージ・ローズ・ピーチ
Heirloom Tomato® Large Rose Peach エアルーム・トマト・ラージ・ローズ・ピーチ ◆This variety was listed in the catalog of "Alexander Seed Co" in 1898. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Early Ruby エアルーム・トマト・アーリー・ルビー
Heirloom Tomato® Early Ruby エアルーム・トマト・アーリー・ルビー ◆This variety was listed in the catalog of "Peter Henderson & Co." in 1890. ◆This variety was listed in the "A. W. Livingston" catalog in 1891. ◆This variety was listed in the "Heman Glass Seed Co" catalog in 1897. ◆This variety was listed in the "Archias' Seed Store" catalog in 1900. ◆This variety was listed in the "Joseph Harris Company" catalog in 1900. ◆This variety was listed in the "J. A. Simmers Limited" catalog in 1901. ◆This variety was listed in the "Daniels Bros" catalog in 1910. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/