Heirloom Tomato® Lakeview Earliana エアルーム・トマト・レイクビュー・アーリアナ
Heirloom Tomato® Lakeview Earliana エアルーム・トマト・レイクビュー・アーリアナ ◆This variety was listed in the "O. S. Jones & Co" catalog in 1912. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Lady Brid=Ladybird エアルーム・トマト・レディ・バード
Heirloom Tomato® Lady Brid=Ladybird エアルーム・トマト・レディ・バード ◆This variety was listed in the "Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardening" in 1893. ◆This variety was listed in the "H. Cannell & Sons" catalog in 1894. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Labrador No. 66 850 エアルーム・トマト・ラブラドール・No. 66 850
Heirloom Tomato® Labrador No. 66 850 エアルーム・トマト・ラブラドール・No. 66 850 ◆This variety was listed in the "W.H. Perron & Co. Limited" catalog in 19.47 ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Labrador Improved W. H. P.'s 849 エアルーム・トマト・ラブラドール・インプルーブド・W. H. P.
Heirloom Tomato® Labrador Improved W. H. P.'s 849 エアルーム・トマト・ラブラドール・インプルーブド・W. H. P. ◆This variety was listed in the "W.H. Perron & Co. Limited" catalog in 19.47 ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Prichard or Scarlet Topper エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・プリチャード・オア・スカーレット・トッパー
コピー:Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Prichard or Scarlet Topper エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・プリチャード・オア・スカーレット・トッパー ◆This variety was listed in the "Kilgore Seed Co." catalog in 1936. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's New Floriglobe=Pink Marglobe エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・ニュー・フロリグローブ・
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's New Floriglobe=Pink Marglobe エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・ニュー・フロリグローブ・ ◆This variety was listed in the "Kilgore Seed Co." catalog in 1936. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Improved Grothen Red Globe エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・インプルーブド・グロセン・レッド・グローブ
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Improved Grothen Red Globe エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・インプルーブド・グロセン・レッド・グローブ ◆This variety was listed in the "Kilgore Seed Co." catalog in 1936. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Special エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・スペシャル
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Special エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・スペシャル ◆This variety was listed in the "Kilgore Seed Co." catalog in 1931. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Extra Selected Globe エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・エキストラ・セレクテッド・グローブ
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Extra Selected Globe エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・エキストラ・セレクテッド・グローブ ◆This variety was listed in the "Kilgore Seed Co." catalog in 1919. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Earliest Shipper エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・アーリエスト・シッパー・
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Earliest Shipper エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・アーリエスト・シッパー ◆This variety was listed in the "Kilgore Seed Co." catalog in 1929. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Crown Selected Globe エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・クラウン・セレクテッド・グローブ
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Crown Selected Globe エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・クラウン・セレクテッド・グローブ ◆This variety was listed in the "Kilgore Seed Co." catalog in 1927. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Bred Rite Marglobe エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・ブレッド・ライト・マーグローブ
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Bred Rite Marglobe エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・ブレッド・ライト・マーグローブ ◆This variety was listed in the "Kilgore Seed Co." catalog in 1927. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Bred Right Cooper's Special Self Topper エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・ブレッド・ライト・クーパーズ・スペシャル・セルフ・トッパーズ
Heirloom Tomato® Kilgore's Bred Right Cooper's Special Self Topper エアルーム・トマト・キルゴーズ・ブレッド・ライト・クーパーズ・スペシャル・セルフ・トッパーズ ◆This variety was listed in the "Kilgore Seed Co." catalog in 1929. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Kopiah エアルーム・トマト・コピア
Heirloom Tomato® Kopiah エアルーム・トマト・コピア ◆This variety was listed in the "Glecklers Seedman" catalog in 1954. ◆This variety was listed in the "Associated Seed Growers" catalog in 1955. ◆This variety was listed in the "H.G.Hastings Co" catalog in 1955. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Kokomo エアルーム・トマト・ココモ
Heirloom Tomato® Kokomo エアルーム・トマト・ココモ ◆This variety was listed in the "Associated Seed Growers" catalog in 1955. ◆This variety was listed in the "Glecklers Seedman" catalog in 1957. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® King=The King エアルーム・トマト・キング=ザ・キング
Heirloom Tomato® King=The King エアルーム・トマト・キング=ザ・キング ◆This variety was listed in the "T. J. King Co.'s" catalog in 1902. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® King of Tomatoes エアルーム・トマト・キング・オブ・トメイトズ
Heirloom Tomato® King of Tomatoes エアルーム・トマト・キング・オブ・トメイトズ ◆This variety was listed in the "Hovey & Co" catalog in 1869. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Killes 7 & Killes 18 エアルーム・トマト・ケリーズ・7 & 18
Heirloom Tomato® Killes 7 & Killes 18 エアルーム・トマト・ケリーズ・7 & 18 ◆This variety was listed in the "Francis C. Stokes & Co;" catalog in 1962. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Keye's Early=Key's Early エアルーム・トマト・ケイズ・アーリー
Heirloom Tomato® Keye's Early=Key's Early エアルーム・トマト・ケイズ・アーリー ◆This variety was listed in the "John Saul" catalog in 1874. ◆This variety was listed in the "James J.H. Gregory" catalog in 1876. ◆This variety was listed in the "Joseph Breck & Sons=Breck's" catalog in 1878. ◆This variety was listed in the "Vanderbilt Brothers" catalog in 1878. ◆This variety was listed in the "Pacific Seed and Plant Company=Pacific Seed Co" catalog in 1901. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Jung's Super Selected Wayahead エアルーム・トマト・ジュングス・スーパー・セレクト・プリチャード
Heirloom Tomato® Jung's Super Select Prichard エアルーム・トマト・ジュングス・スーパー・セレクト・プリチャード ◆This variety was listed in the catalog of "J.W. Jung Seed Co.;" in 1938. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Jung's Super Select Prichard エアルーム・トマト・ジュングス・スーパー・セレクト・プリチャード
Heirloom Tomato® Jung's Super Select Prichard エアルーム・トマト・ジュングス・スーパー・セレクト・プリチャード ◆This variety was listed in the catalog of "J.W. Jung Seed Co.;" in 1938. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Jung's Sugar Lump エアルーム・トマト・ジュングス・シュガー・ランプ
Heirloom Tomato® Jung's Sugar Lump エアルーム・トマト・ジュングス・シュガー・ランプ ◆This variety was listed in the catalog of "J.W. Jung Seed Co.;" in 1956. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Johnson's Stone エアルーム・トマト・ジョンソンズ・ストーン
Heirloom Tomato® Johnson's Stone エアルーム・トマト・ジョンソンズ・ストーン ◆This variety was listed in the "Johnson & Stokes" catalog in 1909. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
Heirloom Tomato® Johnson's New Giant Beauty エアルーム・トマト・ジョンソンズ・ニュー・ジャイアント・ビューティ
Heirloom Tomato® Johnson's New Giant Beauty エアルーム・トマト・ジョンソンズ・ニュー・ジャイアント・ビューティ ◆This variety was listed in the "Johnson & Stokes" catalog in 1909. ◆Details can be seen in the attached images. ◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/