
Heirloom Tomato® Livingston’s Magnus エアルーム・トマト・リビングストン・マグナス

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Heirloom Tomato® Livingston’s Magnus
◆19世紀にアメリカで最大のトマト品種のブリーダーであったAlexander W. Livingston アレクサンダー・リビングストンによって1900年に導入された品種。
One of the Finest for Growing on Stakes
(Introduced by Us in 1900.)
This distinct variety, of the colour of Livingston’s Beauty, is one of the most valuable additions to the Tomato family. It is large, early, thick, heavy and solid, and one of the most handsome varieties in cultivation. Livingston's Magnus is unsurpassed in quality and in the production of fine, large fruits. 'While well adapted to main crop planting, it also takes the first rank for early market purposes. The form is perfect, uniform, large and attractive; quite deep through from stem to blossom end. The flesh is very firm. A robust grower, with short joints, setting its clusters closer together than most varieties and is a very heavy cropper. It has broad foliage which prevents sunburn in hot sections. Ripens evenly, does not crack about the stem. For staking up in the open field, as well as for forcing in greenhouses, is fully equal to any for such purposes.
◆Details can be seen in the attached images.
◆Indeterminate=Cordon インデターミネイト(コーディン)種:草丈150cm以上の芯止まりで無い品種。支柱が必要です。
◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/

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