
Heirloom Tomato® Livingston’s Manyfold=Many Fold=Manyfold エアルーム・トマト・リビングストンズ・ マニーホルド

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Heirloom Tomato® Livingston’s Manyfold=Many Fold=Manyfold
エアルーム・トマト・リビングストンズ・ マニーホルド
◆19世紀にアメリカで最大のトマト品種のブリーダーであったAlexander W. Livingston アレクサンダー・リビングストンによって1917年に紹介導入された品種。
Originated and Introduced by us in 1917
Brightest Bed Inside and Out. Earliest Big Bed Sort.
Heavy Cropper Livingston’s Manyfold has a brilliant, bright red fruit that averages almost equal in size to Livingston’s Stone, and fully as productive, if not more so, but begins bearing earlier, hence lengthening ' the bearing season when used along with the larger and later sorts. The fruit is borne in large clusters which generally average five or more to the cluster. The clusters set closer together than on most sorts and therefore is very productive. Almost invariably all of the fruits are of marketable size. Last season owing to unfavorable conditions Manyfold ran small on some soils, but where conditions were more favorable it came up fully to our description and claims. The flesh of Livingston’s Manyfold Tomato is one of the richest reds we have ever seen. Even the pulp surrounding the seed, in most specimens, shows the red coloring. We feel that this point of high color, together with the early maturity of a very large percentage of the crop, should appeal very strongly to Canners and makers of catsup, and equally so to private users of Tomatoes. Livingston's New Manyfold Tomato is the most promising of all recent introductions. We have faith in it, and know you will not regret using it in your crop for this season.
◆Details can be seen in the attached images.
◆Indeterminate=Cordon インデターミネイト(コーディン)種:草丈150cm以上の芯止まりで無い品種。支柱が必要です。
◆Please visit our other web site:https://horticulture.thebase.in/

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¥550 tax included

