
Heirloom Tomato® Livingston’s Marglobe THE WILT AND NAILHEAD RUST-RESISTANT SORT エアルーム・トマト・リビングストンズ・ マーグローブ

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Heirloom Tomato® Livingston’s Marglobe THE WILT AND NAILHEAD RUST-RESISTANT SORT
エアルーム・トマト・リビングストンズ・ マーグローブ
◆19世紀にアメリカで最大のトマト品種のブリーダーであったAlexander W. Livingston アレクサンダー・リビングストンによって慎重に選抜され、1926年に紹介導入された品種。
Marglobe has been thoroughly tested in sections where the above diseases are very destructive and have made a wonderful record. It was produced by crossing the Livingston Globe with one or more other varieties, and after seven years of careful selection was offered in 1926. A vigorous grower whether in greenhouse or field; bright red in color, quite early, of large size, almost round, and very productive. It is being used in greenhouses and sections of the country where "wilt" prevails. It will pay to use the Marglobe, even if you are not bothered with Tomato diseases. We are receiving large orders for it from many Tomato-growing sections. We grew the seed we are offering from selected planting stock supplied by the originator.

Marglobe (New) in 1927
Developed by the Agriculture Department and thoroughly tested in sections where the above diseases are very destructive. The Marglobe was produced by crossing the Livingston Globe with one or more other varieties, and after seven years of careful selection, we are adding it to our list this season. It is a vigorous grower whether in greenhouse or field. A bright red in color, of large size, almost round, and very productive. It will take the place of many other varieties in greenhouses and sections of the country where wilt prevails. It will pay to try the Marglobe, even if you are not bothered with Tomato diseases. It is very promising. The seed of Marglobe which we are offering was grown from planting stock supplied by the originator. The quantity is quite limited.

Marglobe (New)
Marglobe has been thoroughly tested in sections where the above diseases are very destructive and has1 made a wonderful record. It was produced by crossing the Livingston Globe with one or more other varieties, and after seven years of careful selection was offered in 1926. A vigorous grower whether in greenhouse or field; bright red in color, quite early, of large size, almost round, and very productive. It is being used in greenhouses and sections of the country where "wilt" prevails. It will pay to use the Marglobe, even if you are not bothered with Tomato diseases. We are receiving large orders for it from many Tomato-growing sections. We grew the seed we are offering from selected planting stock supplied by the originator.

Read what Prof. Pritchard, the originator of Marglobe, in 1927
says of it: The Marglobe has been highly commended for its yield and quality of fruit by both truckers and canners. Although it begins to ripen its fruit early, it usually continues to bear for a long period. Where it obtains a favorable quantity of food and water, as on good soils, its fruits are quite large, many of them weighing as much as a pound each. Under these conditions it usually produces very heavy yields. It is not so well adapted to poor or dry soils, however, as its habit of setting so many fruits rather unfits it for these conditions. The Marglobe fruits are smooth, globular, meaty, almost coreless, and deep scarlet in color. They ripen uniformly, even around the stem, and resist cracking well. Moreover, they can be held for a considerable time without spoilage.

◆Indeterminate=Cordon インデターミネイト(コーディン)種:草丈150cm以上の芯止まりで無い品種。支柱が必要です。
◆Please visit our other web site:https://horticulture.thebase.in/

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