
Heirloom Tomato® Livingston’s Ohio Red エアルーム・トマト・リビングストンズ・オハイオ・レッド

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Heirloom Tomato® Livingston’s Ohio Red
◆19世紀にアメリカで最大のトマト品種のブリーダーであったAlexander W. Livingston アレクサンダー・リビングストンによって1930年に紹介導入された品種。
An entirely new type of Tomato
Well! We are wondering how those who ordered our Ohio Red Tomato the past season came out with the crop. We will be glad to hear from anyone. Our crop of it did fairly well for a new variety the first year. The fruits were not all the shape of the one shown above, or on the outside cover, and we did not expect them to be. A large percentage, however, were. They were all quite smooth and proved to be very productive. For the season of 1930 we have selected for earliness, larger size, perfect shape, and heavy yield. The seed we are offering was saved only from fruits of the shape as shown above. We describe it as follows. In shape it is the reverse of the old flat type which was shallow from stem to blossom. (See illustration above and on the back cover page.) There is but little indentation at the stem end; in fact, none at all in many of the smaller fruits. They frequently have a slight point at the blossom- end, are of good average size, of brilliant red color, and one of the most attractive sorts we have ever seen. Not a freak, but has real, practical value, appealing at once both to private and market gardeners. On account of our stock this season not being so limited as a year ago, we are able to reverse our offer at that time.
◆Details can be seen in the attached images.
◆Indeterminate=Cordon インデターミネイト(コーディン)種:草丈150cm以上の芯止まりで無い品種。支柱が必要です。
◆Please visit our other web site:https://horticulture.thebase.in/

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