Heirloom Tomato® Spark's Earliana エアルーム・トマト・スパークス・アーリアナ
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Heirloom Tomato® Spark's Earliana
◆1940年のW. Atlee Burpee & Co.,のカタログでは以下の様に紹介されています。:
Earliana Tomato which has long been a great favorite with growers who choose the original Spark’s Earliana on account of earliness, productiveness, good shape, and rich scarlet-red color.
◆1900年のJohnson & Stokesのカタログでは以下の様に紹介されています。:
Very early tomatoes have of late years been such a profitable crop that almost every grower in Southern New Jersey boasts, with more or less justice, that he has the earliest tomato. We have for years watched with a good deal of interest the first shipments to reach Philadelphia markets and were not a little surprised to find this season a new variety from Mr. Geo. C. Sparks is a full week ahead of all others. We immediately arranged with Mr. Sparks to save us some seed, paying a very high price for the same. This tomato is not only remarkable for its earliness, but for its very large size, handsome shape and bright red color. Its solidity and fine quality are quite equal to the best medium and late sorts.
◆Indeterminate=Cordon インデターミネイト(コーディン)種:草丈150cm以上の芯止まりで無い品種。支柱が必要です。
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¥550 tax included