Heirloom Tomato® Burpee's True Giant Ponderosa エアルーム・トマト・バーピーズ・トルー・ジャイアント・ポンデローサ
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Heirloom Tomato® Burpee's True Giant Ponderosa
◆1918年のW. Atlee Burpee & Co.,のカタログでは以下の様に紹介されています。:
1114 True Giant Ponderosa (81 days) in 1940
Grow extremely large and are full of luscious, juicy flesh. The seed cavities are un usually small, which accounts for the solid meat. It is not unusual for the tomatoes to weigh 24 ozs. and more, though the average runs around 9 ozs. They are deep, somewhat flattened, and have a most agree¬ ably mild flavor. People who do not care for the acid flavor of the deep red tomatoes will find in Ponderosa a very palatable and tasty fruit of a delightful mild flavor and a good deep purplish pink color. Essentially a home garden tomato; finds ready sale on roadside stands.
1114 True Giant Ponderosa in 1918
A now grown by us-while still too “ribbed” for market-the fruits are so very solid and luscious that for family gardens it well merits the Bull's-Eye! Equaled in size only by Burpee’s New Dwarf-Giant, the Tomatoes are of extra-fine quality for slicing. The vines are of strong growth and bear well. The deep purple fruits are oblong in form, generally ridged or ribbed. They are solidly fleshy, with small seed-cells; of extra sweet flavor. Planted in good soil, fruits frequently attain a weight of one pound or more. We offer a selected strain of our own growing at Fordhook Farms that produces Tomatoes smoother than usual and very meaty—“solid as a rock.”
◆Details can be seen in the attached images.
◆Please visit our other web site:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
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¥550 tax included