Heirloom Tomato® Henderson's Richmeat エアルーム・トマト・ヘンダーソンズ・リッチミート
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Heirloom Tomato® Henderson's Richmeat
◆Peter Henderson's のカタログでは以下の様に紹介されています。:
Introduced by Peter Henderson & Co,
Almost Seedless Practically Coreless
The Largest and Best Flavored Scarlet Tomato
Unparalleled in the history of tomato breeding—Richmeat now stands supreme as the World's Quality Tomato, as well as the largest and meatiest. Among the remarkable characteristics of this- variety, are the vigorousness of its growth and its drought- resisting qualities, the latter fact having been fully proven by its behavior in drought stricken sections of the country during that unforgettable summer of 1934 when Richmeat continued producing luscious fruits after all other varieties had withered away.
The fruits are rich scarlet in color, very large and meaty; fruits weighing up to three pounds are not unusual. They are round-oval slightly flattened in shape, and it is a very shy seeder as no distinct seed cells are produced, but on the contrary it develops a solid mass of rich, firm pulp. Its flavor is deliciously sweet and free from acidity. When setting out plants of Richmeat, it is recommended to space them farther apart than ordinary varieties, on account of its vigorous habit; also the yield and size of the fruits will be increased if some of the superfluous foliage is pruned away.
Richmeat is a main crop variety, and its bearing season covers a long period. First fruits are ready in about 85 days from the setting out of the plants.
◆Details can be seen in the attached images.
◆Please visit our other web site:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
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¥550 tax included