Heirloom Tomato® Henderson's Tenderloin エアルーム・トマト・ヘンダーソンズ・テンダーロイン
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Heirloom Tomato® Henderson's Tenderloin
◆Peter Henderson's のカタログでは以下の様に紹介されています。:
Henderson's New Meaty Tomato in 1905
"Tenderloin" has superlative merit; it is a sturdy, healthy grower with distinctive bronzy-green foliage; it ripens its first fruits immediately following those of the early sorts, and from that time until frost, it is practically ever-bearing, yielding enormous quantities of Tomatoes, no other variety approaching it in productiveness and particularly so late in the season.
Henderson's New Meaty Tomato "Tenderloin" bears fruit in clusters of from four to six; the individual fruit, 4 to 5 inches in diameter, runs remarkably uniform in size and shape, being almost round, solid, and weighs about one pound each, or heavier than any other Tomato grown of equal size; the surface is very smooth, and never cracks; the color, a rich glossy blood-crimson, also permeates the flesh to the very heart; it ripens thoroughly, coloring up clear to the stem.
Henderson's New Meaty Tomato "Tenderloin " possesses one crowning merit: the phenomenal solidity of the flesh; even the seeds — which are small and few — are embedded in flesh of meaty firmness, in marked contrast to the cavities of watery pulp so usual in most other varieties.
Henderson's New Meaty Tomato "Tenderloin," on ac- count of its " solid-as-beefsteak " character, combined with the splendid quality, gratifying flavor, granulated texture, rich red color of the flesh, and its appetizing appearance, is absolutely peerless for slicing, salads and table use generally, while it is equally superior for baking, boiling and domestic canning the solidity of flesh and minimum of juice makes thickening unnecessary.
Henderson's New Meaty Tomato "Tenderloin," as a market variety, we predict will become very popular; its general merit and handsome appearance can not but attract buyers, and it is so solid that it "holds up" well when shipped, even though it does not have the thick, tough skin heretofore considered the most important requisite in a shipping
Tomato. Henderson's New Meaty Tomato "Tenderloin" when picked quite green will ripen up thoroughly. This will 1 advantage late in the season when frosts are expected, for and luscious "Tenderloin" Tomatoes may be enjoyed up to Thanksgiving and even later.
Henderson's Tenderloin TOMATO in 1908
Henderson's Tomato, Tenderloin, has superlative qualities. It is of remarkably sturdy growth, is practically everbearing, ripening its first fruits immediately after the early sorts, and continues throughout the season to produce enormous quantities of its most attractive fruit. The fruit, borne in clusters, is very uniform, quite round, but slightly flattened at stem and blossom end, and of phenomenal solidity; even the seeds — which are surprisingly few — are embedded in flesh of meaty firmness, in marked contrast to the cavities of watery pulp so usual in most other varieties. The color, a rich glossy blood-crimson, permeates the flesh to the very heart, leaving no hard core inside the fruit. It never cracks, and ripens over the entire surface without any unsightly green patch around the stem.
Henderson's Tomato, Tenderloin, on account of its " solid-as-beefsteak" character, combined with the splendid quality, gratifying flavor, granulated texture, rich red color of the flesh, and its appetizing appearance, is absolutely peerless for slicing, salads and table use generally, while it is equally superior for baking, boiling and domestic canning. The solidity of flesh and minimum of juice makes thickening unnecessary.
Henderson's Tomato, Tenderloin, when picked quite green will ripen up thoroughly. This will be of advantage late in the season when frosts are expected, for ripe and luscious Tenderloin Tomatoes may be enjoyed up to Thanksgiving and even later.
◆Details can be seen in the attached images.
◆Please visit our other web site:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
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¥550 tax included