Heirloom Tomato® The Autocrat=Autocrat エアルーム・トマト・ザ・オートクラット
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Heirloom Tomato® The Autocrat=Autocrat
◆This variety was listed in the catalog of "James J.H. Gregory" in 1895.
:A new hybrid originated by Mr. Carman. It is very large, of fine, regular shape, very solid, and with few seeds. It ripens about the stem, and is a good producer. The vines are strong and with little foliage. In ripening, it is medium early, and in color, it resembles the well-known "Acme". A good shipper.
◆This variety was listed in the catalog of "A. W. Livingston" in 1897.
◆Details can be seen in the attached images.
◆Please visit our other website:https://horticulture.thebase.in/
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¥550 tax included